Your CV
Everything you need to know about how to write and format an effective CV, and how it’s different from a resume! I use a template from LaTeX Overleaf. You can also take a look at my CV as well if you'd like to see an example! Your CV is also crucial for graduate applications. Click here to learn how to apply!
CV vs Resume?
The main difference is specificity. Your CV should have everything you’ve done throughout your college career, even if its not related to your major. That being said, don’t add “fluff”. It’s not cute or funny.
Your resume, on the other hand, is a document that takes certain elements of your CV, and groups them together. So let's say that in general, you do physics, music, and international relations. If you were applying to a specific international relations job, your resume would only have international relations related things. Either way, make sure to update your CV and/or resume at least at the end of every semester.
Your CV, which you’ll need to send to graduate programs, should be arranged in the following manner (it doesn’t have to be exactly like this, but something similar at the very least):
Your Name
Cell phone number | your email (.edu preferable) | Github or LinkedIn
Here, list all of the degrees that either you’ve gotten from undergrad, or that you will get. Include the dates as well (ex. August 2020 - Present, OR August 2017 - May 2021). You can include your GPA here if you wish. I have my overall GPA on my resume, but you can put your major specific GPA, but that needs to be specified when you’re applying to graduate programs. My thinking is, is that if you don’t put your GPA on your resume when applying for graduate programs, that might send the admissions committee a red flag...
Here is where you’ll put any published works. And published means Published. You’ve gone through the review process, it’s been submitted and printed in a journal. Papers in review don’t go in this section. Additionally, you should be either Author 1, 2, or 3. So the format would be:
Name of Journal - April 2019
Author 1, Author 2, & Author 3, 2019, Journal page: Title of work
Research Experience
This is where you put all unpublished/in review work, or other significant projects. Lab reports from required classes should not go here. The format would be:
Research in X | July 2019 - August 2020
University Name, Your professor’s name | University Location
Thing you did #1
Thing you did #2
Thing you did etc.
Projects and Presentations
If you’ve given a talk at a conference or you just finished your senior lab final project, this is where you’d put these. The format would be:
Seminar Name | May 2020
University Name | University Location
Thing you did #1
Thing you did #2
Thing you did etc.
Relevant Coursework
This is where you’d put all junior/senior level coursework that is still within your major but is considered an ELECTIVE. My primary major on my transcript is Physics, so some of my “relevant coursework" would be:
General Relativity | Spring 2021
Electromagnetic Theory II | Spring 2021
Advanced Quantum Physics | Fall 2020
* I would also have some Astronomy courses here as well, as they are my “Related Courses” for the Physics major at my university.
Technical Skills
Here is where you’d list all of your computer language skills, software skills, and anything else that you’ve done in your lab that will be useful for a graduate lab or course. For example:
Computational Science: Parallel computing techniques, simulations via submission queue, software management with Modules.
Languages: Python/Jupyter, C/C++, LaTex, Matlab, Fortran, Mathematica
etc... You get the idea.
Work Experience
If you’ve had any jobs (degree related or not), list them here! Format:
Job Title at Company X | August 2019 - May 2020
(Possibly University affiliation) | Location
Thing you did #1
Thing you did #2
Thing you did etc.
Leadership Roles & Activities
Did you have a student club leadership position? Were you part of club as a general member (going once doesn’t count as being a general member)? If so, list your experiences here! Format:
Club/Activity | Position - August 2020 - May 2021
University Name | University Location
Thing you did #1
Thing you did #2
Thing you did etc.
For more information
Here, you can put any links to other sites that mention you and your accomplishments. For a graduate application, you don’t need to put any references, as your letters of recommendation do just that. However, if you’re applying for a job and they need a CV, you’d put your references here, along with their contact information, or simply, “References upon request”.