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The "perfect application" doesn't exist! There's no such thing!

This statement is true for any application: bachelors, masters, or PhD. Even if you have the perfect application on paper doesn't mean that you'll be accepted anywhere you apply to, and just because you don't doesn't mean that it's impossible for you to get into a top school. Focus on activities that you personally enjoy. Doing something for the sake of it looking good on an application isn't the right way of thinking, in my opinion. Am I saying that you shouldn't try your absolute hardest in school to get to where you want to go? No. You absolutely should work and study as hard as you can if you want to fulfill your goals. But it isn't the end of the world if you don't get into the top university, and there's no exact methodology or set of skills that is guaranteed to get you there. Have confidence in your abilities, and the opportunities that were meant for you will follow.


Specifically to high school students looking to apply to undergraduate programs, click on 'High School' in the menu to discover what you can do to succeed as a physics student, or just a student in general. Again, this is not a proven recipe for success, but following some of the advice I've picked up throughout my academic journey will help you in one way or another.


Though the direction of today's world is leaning towards having the most awards, the best grades, and the most impressive background, it doesn't mean that you're not qualified if you haven't solved world hunger by the seventh grade. All it means is that you're learning about the world around you and growing as a person. 

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